Til hovedinnhold

Opening hours:

Monday to Friday: 08:00-19:00
Saturday/Sunday/holiday: 09:00-15:00
Christmas and New Year’s Eve: 08:00-12:00

E-mail: kundesenter@banenor.no
Telephone: 477 70 098

The station
  • Oslo S – 03:45-01:30
  • Østbanehallen – 04:30-01:30

Venue rental

Inquiries about venue rental are addressed to the property manager at Bane NOR Eiendom AS, Gøril Schøning Halvorsen.

On Bane NOR Eiendom AS’s website you will find what is available.


JCDecaux leases areas from Bane NOR Eiendom AS for marketing activities. Several places in Oslo S have been set aside for this. If you want to rent space for marketing your products or services, you can contact JCDeaux. Telephone + 47 23 00 75 00 / www.JCDecaux.no


JCDecaux rents wall space for advertising. By contacting JCDecaux, products and services can be marketed here. (JCDeaux tel: + 47 23 00 75 00/ www.JCDecaux.no).

Inquiries regarding the use of Oslo S for activities other than marketing (singing choir, culture, etc.) should be directed to the customer center of Bane NOR.